
The staff at HAA is made up of dozens of talented and creative individuals. To highlight this, HAA had its first-ever Art Show to showcase the work our staff does outside of our office walls on Randolph Street. The Art Show kicked off with a gallery on Oct. 18, and afterward, the pieces were moved and installed on the walls around the office. Each week, the Art Show Series will highlight one artist and the work they submitted.

Artistic inspiration / Background 

Emily has always loved painting and she was lucky enough to study it alongside historic preservation while in graduate school at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.  Her paintings are a blend of the two and show the beautiful potential and promise behind Detroit’s forgotten buildings while helping to record moments in the city as it changes. She also has her own website where she sells her paintings –

Favorite medium

Emily’s favorite medium is watercolor.

Favorite artist

Emily’s has many favorite artists, but she has always admired Kandinsky for his composition and balance of color and negative space and Sargent for his stunning architectural watercolors.

Emily is an Architectural Designer at HAA.